This is the 2nd time I allowed B.Frank in my home, and it was the 2nd mistake. The 1st (same man both times, Field Supervisor (a 'salesman') the first time he came because I had no choice; they were the plumbing side of the company we used to install our AC & they had to come and do their part. But Dan Chauvette, took it upon himself to come into my kitchen and run tests on my water and of course told me how dangerous my water is; perhaps it is, however, I do NOT appreciate the approach- I am some selfish person if I don't install their water purifying system, as I am doing such 'damage' to my children.
This time, March 2012, water heater stopped working. We called, them and very specifically described the water heater- and we needed a technician that was familiar with this type water heater. They said no problem. They would be there between 2 & 6. My husband 2 so he could explain the issues with the water heater. Hours pass. Finally, around 5pm, not sure if we called or they called us, someone was coming, but they were an hour away..ok fine. We called back to verify that this tech coming was again, familiar with unit. 30 minutes later a call, well they have another guy familiar with this unit would be at least another hour.
At 8PM, they FINALLY show up (same guy as before). He looked at it for about five minutes. Said it is fried--oh but hey, I happen to have one on the truck to install, and then quotes $3200 for a tankless water heater (we didn't have before, we had 50gallon/gas). Would NOT explain costs of unit/installation, etc. His attitude was condescending, and not the least bit sorry how we wasted half a day waiting.
Today I had another wonderful company (which I will rate when we finish business)--He came out within the hour of call--He looked at unit (for OVER 30 MINUTES), couldn't find the number for manufact, went in his truck and looked it up; explain the control panel was not working, etc. An ACTUAL TECHNICIAN!! He said I will go back to shop and call you back with quote to replace that part, and of course I asked him price to replace entire thing, which he will also provide. At this point, even if his unit/installation was more expensive (which I SERIOUSLY DOUBT), I would go with this other company because the way this company just tries to sell sell sell.