I went to pick up my 2 year old one day & he had a giant knot and bruise on his forehead. I asked what happened & the director told me that he ran into a fence. I said that a fence can't make a bruise that big so she told me he ran into a brick wall. They never once called me during the day to advise me of the incident. They said it was b/c his head was just red when it happened. I reported the incident to licensing the next day and apparently yesterday licensing made a little visit. When I went to pick up my children the owner Mrs. Fish advised me that me and my children were no longer welcome at her school. When I asked why she just kept saying, ""You know why"". She never gave me a straight answer but I know that it's b/c I called licensing. I DO NOT regret calling licensing on them. That place needs to be cleaned up and shut down. To read my whole story please go to the yellowbot website. For the sake of your child. Please don't make your kids suffer.