Addicted to opiates? Looking for an easy way out? This isn't it. Don't do this.
First of all, methadone is actually more addictive than heroin or oxycodone, the withdrawals last longer and are more intense. Of course, not if you taper down....
Bay Area Treatment Center will NEVER attempt to get you to lower your dose. Fail a urine screen? Surely, your dose isn't high enough! Let's up it by 10mgs! You will never hear a suggestion from your ""counselor"" about lowering your dose or starting to ween you off. It will never happen. I went for years and I actually met resistance when I attempted to lower my dose. I've seen people so messed up they couldn't stand in that place. Of course, they didn't let that patient dose that day, but there they were the next.
Counselors will tell you stories about how some guy just died from doing other drugs while taking his methadone. Yet as of my last visit, I don't think I had met anyone there who ever said they had passed a drug test.
Many do, of course. That's how you get your take-home doses. But all those people you see standing in line every day? That's because they fail drug tests. You see them go up to the window and get upwards of 200mg of methadone.
They are aware they are killing people. They are aware they are doing nothing to actually help addicts. Why do they continue? Check out what Joe, the owner, drives.