I have gone to this hospital for the birth of both my children and also when my son was ill. It is the only hospital in this city and most of the people I know around here are forced to go here. Each and everytime I have ever been to this hospital I have encountered rude and incompassionate nurses and hospital personnel. The hospital is old and it really shows its age. One example of the service provided by this hospital is when I went there to have my second child. This was just two and a half years ago. I walked into the admitting area (I was pre-registered too) after being sent over by my OB doctor who found that I was 5 centimeters dialated and 90% effaced. I was also a month early. My doctor had called over to the hospital to let them know I was coming. When I arrived I was having moderately intense contractions and was quite uncomfortable. I checked in and was told to have a seat and wait for someone to come down and escort me up by wheelchair. So, I waited.....and waited....and waited....a half hour later the admitting nurse looked over at me and said, "oh you're still there?" I told her I could just walk up myself and that I really didn't need a wheelchair. She said no, and that she would called up for a wheelchair again and that someone would be right down for me. Again, I waited........and waited......and waited. Another half hour went by and the admitting nurse looked over at me again and said, "oh they still haven't come down for you?" By this point I was furious and so was my husband. I was very uncomfortable and I was beginning to think I was going to have this child right there in the waiting room. Then, the woman said, "Can you just walk up yourself? They are waiting for you." UNBELIEVEABLE!!