Aveda has a reputation for being very pricey but very earth-friendly. When you walk in the door to the institute, expect a friendly hello and some free tea. It's fine to drop in to shop or grab a "menu" of services, but if you want a hair or spa appointment be sure to call in advance. FAR in advance. Even during the summer with many Chapel Hill students out of town, the waitlist for Aveda services is very long. You'll need to call at least two weeks in advance for a hair appointment or a nail appointment if you're going with a buddy.
But the deals are great. With a haircut running $17-20, you'll get a free mini facial, shampoo in a very calming room (no straining your neck to get your head out of a basin, you'll have a comfortable bed to lie on), all natural fragrances and lots of attention. But do keep in mind, this is no brief clip and go. My haircut appointment lasted 2 hours. Students are completing the services (no tipping needed or accepted) and need the extra time so their super