Autologic either intentionally deceived me, or at least did a terribly poor job. They charged me a total $1,088 on a 1997 Ford Escort only to tell me a year later that my car couldn’t be fixed without spending another couple of thousand dollars.
The car was involved in an accident in Feb 2006. When I first approached Autologic in June 2006, they said they had identified ALL the problems and a guy named Domenic stated that their repair job “would make my car run well for 2 years”. A year later, they changed their stories and told me that my car had other bigger problems "apparently" (as they told me) caused by the SAME accident (I don't have other accidents over that period) and needed to cost another couple of thousand dollars. Note, it’s a car only worth about $1,500. If it's "apparent", why they didn't tell me at the 1st time? They knew that if they did, I would be scared away and would not make any investment in the car
I started working only last year after graduating from a college. $1,088 is a whole lot of money to me when I still owned $40,000 student loan. The car is now dumped in the parking lot after only one year of their service.