I recently needed a wire added to the back of a piece of art work for hanging. I am brand new to the area, and just happened to see Art USA from the street and stopped by.
When I walked in the owner greeted me, and asked what he could assist me with. I told him I had a simple job that needed to be performed, but didn't have the materials/tools to do it myself. He assessed what it was that I needed. Then he took the art work, and scurried off to the back room. I asked him how much it would be for the job, and he being a good business owner told me that it was on him.
He made quite an impression on me, and even though it is several miles away from my home- I will be bringing several things to him in the future based on what he did for me without asking.
Art USA has the 5 star customer service you aren't lucky enough to find everywhere these days.