If you can't afford to take your family to a theme park, then you probably can afford to take them to this amazing home of fish and other sea wildlife. Regular price cost are about $20 an adult and $12 for children, and if your a Long Beach resident, you get a 1/3 price off discount. Whats also cool is that if you pay a little bit extra, you get to take the "behind the scenes tour." Basically, the whole inside of the building is filled with giant aquariums holding sealife from all around. You can walk up to the glass and see the breathtaking scenes of fish moving by with in schools and you can watch the scary sharks swim around looking for something to munch on. You can also see seahorses, and brightly colored fish bob around in the water. You can also see the amazing sea otters joke around and act foolishly with one another. You can learn everything you want to know by taking a guided tour throughout the acquarium. There is plenty of more sealife that you can see that I haven't went over yet, and this is definately an experience you can't miss.