STAY AWAY FROM AQUA HUT!!! Richie sold me 4 young African Cichlid Peacock fish who had ick disease and they transferred the parasitic disease killing off my entire tank of my 4 beautiful adult African Cichlid Peacocks and 1 adult Butterfly Pleco. The 4 young fish I bought did not display any signs of disease, but the others in Richie's tank did. I never saw ick before in fish, and he taught me what it looks like by showing it to me in his other fish. He even said to me while pointing to some of the other 75+ fish in the same tank: "I won't give you those because they have the ick spots". I just read online that ick is a highly contagious disease, and fish can carry it even though they don't display visual signs of it (the 4 I bought from him). There has not been any PH, temperature, or nitrate/nirtrite change in my tank at all, so that cannot be the cause. I even medicated the tank with ick medication early on as soon as I noticed the many tiny dots all over my adult's bodies, but they still died before the medication's cycle of 3 days had finished. Painful lesson learned. That's the last time I ever buy healthy-looking fish when others in the same tank carry ick disease. And that's something they, a fish store who has been in business since the 70's, should've known to do - to treat fish containing the ick parasite with medication before they sell them to the public and infect everyone else's tanks causing many painful deaths! So sad to watch all of my beautiful adults die...