I've owned an ipod for several years and recently decided to purchase an iPad. I made a reservation in the store and shortly there after discovered that there was an old, inactive e-mail addy linked to the account. I changed the e-mail on-line but was told by the apple store employee that my reservation was still linked to the old e-mail and was unable to be changed. They said i should call in periodically to see if my iPad had arrived. Today i called the store to be told that there was no way to check the reservation. I explained that several people had checked before. The Apple employee continued to tell me I was wrong while treating me as if I were a moron. Awesome customer service, let me tell you. He then told me to change my e-mail on line, I explained that I did but the reservation was still linked to the old addy. Still treating me like an idiot he said that it did work but i didn't receive an e-mail because the iPad wasn't in. Apparently working at the Apple store is a presigious position that makes you SO much smarter than others and non-Apple employees must be treated as the peons they are.
Pros: sell ipads
Cons: employees who treat their customers like idiots