Be aware or this company, it's employees and it's owner. My Sony TV had an issue. Called York Electronic Services to get a quote, they quoted me $140 to inspect it and said that if it's a panel issue Sony will upgrade the TV for around $200. They came out and as expected it was a panel problem. They charged me the $140 and told me to call Sony to start the process. When I called Sony, they told me that the best they can do for me is to give me a refurbished TV for $600 ($400 more than what York Electronic Services told me). I spoke to the owner and he said it's a Sony problem and they have nothing to do with it but neglected the fact that his employee is the one who told me that Sony would charge $200 to upgrade the TV because this is a known issue and they're taking care of their customers. Without that piece of information from the Sony authorizes service shop, I would've never agreed to pay $140 for them to look at my TV. Now, I'm back to square one less the $140 York Electronic Services made out of this whole deal. I'm heading to BestBuy to buy a brand new TV for as much as the reburbished one would've cost plus York Electronic Services charged me. \r