I feel that my pets were treated very well by the staff. The tech was sweet and professional, and the doctor went out of her way to make sure that my pets received the best care possible.
Nevertheless, an ATA employee named Nina ruined the whole experience. She is the b!tchiest, most condescending, RUDE person I have ever dealt with in person or over the phone. I cannot believe that ATA has not received sufficient complaints about this employee to have her fired. I have even called ATA with simple questions a couple of times, and I was absolutely dumbfounded by her aggressive, mean, nasty, b!tchy attitude and smart remarks. I was even rendered speechless for about 5 seconds during one phone call which lasted no more than 2 minutes (if that long). When I got over the shock of her rudeness, I said to her, "You seem angry or something. Why?" She responded, "It's just that I'm trying to do someting here, and you're distracting me!"
My next thought was that she must be on drugs; and if she's not, she needs to go to a psychiatrist and obtain some ASAP. My pet is due for another shot, and I've actually been putting it off for a few days, just because I'm worried that Nina will be there and I might snap on her.