This is long over due, I bought 3 dogs from Animal Kingdom and Its been just a blessing. I am so lucky that I listen to Barb and the staff on how to treat and take care of a puppy. I have heard of people taking new puppys around and about town, then wonder why they are so sick later. Sure some times the puppy may pick up somethiing from the breeder, But Barb was right there to make sure what ever treatment my puppy needed it received it, because I followed the rules of a puupy its like a new born baby, They become the love of your life and you can not think being with out them, Thanks Barb and all your wonderful staff for all the knowledge that you guys gave. I miss the grooming, treats, carzy toys. we sure will come and see you all when we are back in town. So lucky to have Animal Kingdom their you don't know what you really miss until you don't have it,SO ENJOY