By far one of the best independently owned pet shops I've ever been to. It rivals some of the ones I've been to in Los Angeles, CA. They have a great variety of the common and very rare animals. The prices are a little high, but everything is well taken care of and of high quality. Any ill animals they get in are treated in a timely manner.\r
I haven't had a single problem with any fish or aquatic invertebrate I have purchased there. They stock everything from nano fish that rarely grow over an inch, to real tank busters that can dwarf the average person. Unlike most pet stores, they warn the customer of their potential size and list useful info such as maximum size, country of origin, and scientific name. Along with the fish, they also have a good selection of plants, rocks, driftwood, filters, substrate, food, and other aquaria products. If you don't see anything you have been searching for, they'll be more than happy to order it for you.\r
The reptile department is very im