Bobcat Fever is fatal almost half the time. If you get your cat in early, there is a better chance.\r
2 weeks ago, on a Sunday, I realized that my cat, Pye, was missing. I found her, hiding. She became feverish. At about 9 PM, having heard of Bobcat Fever only a week ago from a friend, I took her to the Animal Emergency Clinic in Springdale. Her fever was 104 at admission.\r
Monday morning I picked her up before 7 AM--AEC does not operate weekdays. They confirmed Bobcat Fever. She seemed worse. The told me it was early, so she had a chance. I took her to All-Cats in Fayetteville, AR for the day, for IV support and more tests. Monday night, when I picked her up at All-Cats, just before 6PM -- no 24 hour supervised intensive care here either, she was very sick. Her temp had dropped below normal, a bad sign. But, she was keeping down syringe-feedings.\r
I got her back to the AEC in Springdale for overnight. We stayed with her there for a little while. But, she was very