I had my two cats declawed and spayed/neutered at AAH. The staff was professional and caring. Pepper and Pita have done exceptionally well after the procedures and I couldn't have been happier. I adopted Pepper from the local humane society and the adoption fee included a basic spay procedure. I opted to have it done at AAH because, by the time you added in optional services to the basic procedure at the humane society's vet, the cost was similar to what AAH charged with all those options included. In response to the criticisms of other clients. Could I have had the same procedures done for less elsewhere? Sure. But would my pets have received all of the same treatment as they did at AAH. No. With any business out there, you can go with the bare bones, low-cost option, or you can spend more to get the best. All the Hollywood horror stories of plastic surgeries gone wrong comes to mind. Do I want to take a chance with my pets' health and choose the cheapest care for them that is considered the minimum acceptable level of care? Or do I want to ensure their comfort, well being and longevity by spending a little more? Each person has to make this choice for their pets, but a business can not be criticized simply for providing a higher level of care for your pet. Higher quality care comes with a price, just like in any other service industry. The DVMs at AAH will fully explain all procedures, costs and rationale for them. If you choose to spend less, then that is your right. But educate yourself prior to getting treatment for your pet and do what you think is best for your situation instead of utilizing AAH and then complaining about the cost.