We have a two family house and hired this outfit to change our heating from oil to gas and put separate controls for each family unit. We signed the contract May 8, 2011 but the job was not semi-completed until November, 2011. There is no heat in the master' s bedroom in the upstairs family unit. We are also waiting for A.A.P. to notify the city inspectors to check their work and issue us a form so we can collect a rebate from Con-Ed for switching to gas heat.
The owner and licensed plumber is full of promises and always had excuses for why he was unavailable, i.e. car accidents, family problems, illness, floods, etc, etc. I am ready to file a complaint with the Board of Contractors, the BBB, notify Con-Ed to take them off from their preferred contractor's list, call another plumber to complete the job and then will seek legal means to get compensation for the cost. I have worked and know many contractors but this is by far the worst.