Dr. Balke is a money hungry waste of time He is simply another form of a drug dealer who wants you to pay, pay, and pay some more just to keep you coming back for prescriptions after each expensive visit! He spends zero time with patients then extorts money by withholding needed mental care and accompanied scripts! He is just as Evil as the Dealers them selves if not worse! Dr Len Douglas Balke should not be in the profession he is in! By law I think he is or at least should be required to provide mental support along with the meds like the Pharmaceutical Company says he should while utilizing their product to treat PEOPLE. He has no conscience and provides no usefulness to this community what so ever . Drug dealer are dirtbags and this doctor is no different! STAY AWAY!!!!! he will say this a drug users view but it is not..... its a support groups view of the facts. Sad indeed hope he quits and leave this community!