My mother took 6 year old boy to Dr. Burton's office in January of this year due to falling while playing football and diagnosed as having a concussion due to symptoms present at the time. Please note, he has been a patient of Dr. Burton's since birth!! Symptoms persisted for many days (as concussion/post concussions can do). She took him back to Dr. Burton's office, because he was continuing to vomit, when getting out of bed each am, after becoming dizzy. In addition, he was acting out of sorts as far as his behavior, even while at school. The teacher called my mom out of concern as well. Dr. Burton told her he had a virus. A virus that causes vomiting ONLY in the morning, when first getting out of bed...for DAYS??? He referred her to a counselor for the behavioral changes. After seeing a counselor for several office visits, the counselor advised my mom that she should go see a neurologist, because she feels could possibly be related to the concussion/head trauma. The neurologist advised my mom that they need a referral from PCP due to their office polices (not related to insurance, as my mom's insurance does not require referrals). My mom called Dr. Burton's office and was told she could bring him in on Friday. Then received another call from the office that they were canceling the appointment because they do not have a ""history"" of the issues that are being reported to the neurologist, so they cannot provide a referral. Wouldn't this be the PURPOSE of the visit on Friday? To gather information and listen to the CHILD'S issues? Very disappointing. This WAS a physician our family has trusted for TWELVE years!!!! We have taken my 15 year old daughter there since she was 3 as well as my 14 year old sister. We started noticing the changes in his office, no one returning phone calls for DAYS at a time, no response to faxes, etc. We at first tried to be understanding as we understood his practice was expanding and could not receive the ""personal"" care we had been used to. But really, shouldn't that BE expected from someone you trust with the health of your children?