Air Care Solutions (NC) installed a new HVAC system in my home November 2010. I did not find out until this ongoing nightmare began that they just pick people off craigslist and send them out not knowing if they are licensed or qualified. The first installer just walked off the job he could not do the work, the 2nd installer could not believe the shabby work the 1st installer did and pointed out that he basically was setting my house up as a death trap. The third technician who came out last year when the system was not cooling 6 months after installation admitted Air Care Solutions found him on craigslist and simply asked by phone could he fix ac units that was it, he later slipped up and said he was working on getting licensed and asked me not to tell anyone. They gave me 2 years of free service after scratching my hard wood floors and the technician crashing his foot through my ceiling when stepping off the beam in the attic. January 2012 is the second time in 1 year my system has leaked the freon completely out the unit. It was a 3 day job we were miserably hot this summer. 3 different inexperienced technicians came out again and obviously since I am out of freon again 6 months later it was never fixed. I did not use the free service Air Care offered this time I called a licensed contractor as to get the job done right and hopefully not have another terrible experience, he found my system was wired incorrectly and the exact same leak was still there the other guy showed me he would fix. I did not know why my electric bill had doubled but the system was wired wrong and running on emergency heat. Manager at Air Care Solutions does not return my calls. Some human decency would be nice; this company has caused me a financial loss, provided a faulty system, damaged my home, sent unqualified unlicensed serviceman, provides poor customer service, management is non responsive, and I simply feel scammed and I did not get what I paid for. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! I REPEAT DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! I believe these other positive reviews they posted themselves. This site won't let me post the link but they have tons of complaints on Complaint Board.