This dojo is unlike any others here in Tucson. They have not only aikido, but they do shotocon, karate, tae con do and have added in Close Quarter combat classes and a russian style of martial arts called systema. They have a wide range of people for these classes. I personally take the CQC classes and have learned how to defend myself in close quarters. I am not a martials art type of person nor am I fit to do these. But the art form doesn't require you do be fit or knowledgeable of any martial art. I took my mom who was 62 at the time to a class and she had 2 broken toes and was throwing guys all over the mats and she never broke a sweat. I suggest anyone who has a mom, sister, daughter or wife try at least one of the classes. You will be amazed! Prices are very cheap too! You get a discount on the extra classes though if you are a member of the dojo. Your first class is always free to see if you will even like it.