This was our second experience here, and it will also be our last. Most of the employees we worked with were great, particularly the shuttle drivers and the people who checked our car back in. I would have included the woman who rented us our car this time, except that we discovered that she blatantly lied to us about the cost. Full stop, lied. Deceived, even, by summarizing what I was signing so I didn't ""have to take time to read it"", and by folding the papers up and putting them into an envelope that she told me to ""just hand the check-out person"". Of course, we didn't discover this until we were checking the car in and needed to get to the airport for our flight. Our great experience the time before made me sloppily trusting, apparently.\r
The manager I spoke with had clearly read a pamphlet on diffusing angry customers (I didn't yell or swear, but I did express that I was furious about the deception), and applied it in the most infuriating way possible. He was the opposite of helpful and just kept reiterating that my signature was on the page. You can print my signature on anything (which is what they did, you sign a little screen that does NOT contain the same text that they print your signature with), but it doesn't mean I assented to it. I will also be taking this up with my credit card company to attempt to recoup some of the loss. We are talking about nearly $200 of extra costs beyond what I was repeatedly told the total cost would be.\r
The two cars we've rented here have been TRASHED (rips, stains, dents, broken parts, cigarette smell, etc) and the most stripped down models of the cars available, but I'm willing to deal with that for a week to get a good price. Being lied to, however, way crosses the line.