Immediately after the hypnotherapy, my 12-year old son asked me each day, ""Mom, did you smoke today?"" and I would realize that not only had I not smoked, I had not even thought about smoking. After a while, he stopped asking. When I asked why he stopped, he said ""...because the answer is always 'No'"". But I told him I wanted him to start again, because the pleasure I got from realizing I had gone another day free from my addiction was something I want to relish a while longer. So we have an evening ritual..I expect even that will become unimportant soon.
Thank you for being talented at what you do. Your hypnotherapy was exactly what I needed to give it up for good, and I feel absolutely, 100% certain I will never smoke again.
I am really happy, and really proud of myself.
Thanks so much,
Pros: Caring, It works, I quit smoking