I have to agree with Ted - I contacted AWL because I was expecting and considering adoption. Initially they seemed very kind and supportive offering help with my rent, food, missed time out of work for appointments etc. (these are just empty promises) and emphasized that my baby would go to a loving couple. They barely address your other options, as though they are required to, but then quickly tell you why they are not good choices. I received an overnight package the next day of countless families looking to adopt, and they reinforce how much better of a life your child will have with the families they have chosen. I was only considering it as an option and looking to see the process. They disregard your feelings and refer to you as 'the birth mother'- as though they are removing you from the equation before you have decided. They request access to all of your medical records even before you have chosen either way and discuss surrendering your baby. They address providing counseling, but it extends no further than them strong arming you to pick adoption. The woman at this agency informed my doctor's office that I was planning to adopt even though I had never signed anything or decided! You get DAILY calls at all hours, texts and emails and feel bullied the whole time, as though they are afraid that if they give you personal space you will change your mind. Generally I felt guilted and manipulated the entire time - so that they would have a healthy baby to peddle to their clients.