I went to Dr. Casey after having nine days of migraines and eight rear end accidents. My
neck needed immediate attention and the results were incredible. Dr. Casey is confident he will get results and I experienced that from the first visit. I had no more headaches or neck pain. I had a cracked vertebrae at the waist and had had chronic back pain for years. That does not happen anymore. I have no shoulder pain or tight muscles. Dr. Casey knows that when you free the back, health follows. My lower back is now flexible. Between the shoulders, a formerly chronic, tight and tense place, I am flexible. I attribute this amazing result from Dr. Casey's ability and care. He is compassionate, loving and always positive. He overflows with energy that makes you feel great just to be around him. His office and staff are warm and caring and it feels more like home than an office. That means a lot to me because I know I respond faster in that atmosphere. I feel younger, healthier, pa