What do you like best in Acquirelists?
Acquirelists provides the most accurate email address information of any business intelligence database I have come acrross. The
database is simple and easy to use. Acquirelists gives marketers the ability to select companies based on critical business events
such as a merger, or acquisition. This level of insight is priceless and can't be found anywhere else. I wish I had learned about
it sooner!
What do you dislike in Acquirelists products/service?
While the acquirelists database provides a lot of great email address information, some is still not available. It needs to be more
robust and accurate.
What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?
We use Acquirelists email data for sourcing telephone numbers and email addresses of prospects for cold and luke warm calling. It
has enabled us to target numerous key executives from companies we would otherwise not be able to contact, and it provides a direct
link to their LinkedIn page saving us time and energy.
For which purposes do you use Acquirelists?
Prospecting, Find Email Contacts, Sales Intelligence. So far, I've been very impressed. Of course, one of its big attractions is the
price, which is considerably less
What is your primary role when using Acquirelists data product?
User, Enhancing current contact details allows my sales and marketing lists to be accurate during multiple campaigns.