By way of disclosure I've been using computers for 30 years, with the last 18 of those in professional IT capacities. I've been shopping with these fellows for years (ever since they were on Menaul & San Mateo at least). The best thing I can say about them is that their selection of parts cannot be beat. Any time I need some oddball part or peripheral I'm 90% sure to find it at Absolute. Prices are mostly fair. Sometimes their system prices strike me as a bit steep but since they're pretty much the only shop in town working exclusively with used systems I'm not too worked up about it. Like I said, I can usually find oddball parts there, and always at good prices.
That being said, I think one reason I'm okay with Absolute is because I'm the kind of customer who doesn't need to ask any questions; just give me the part I need and out the door I go. But in observing Absolute's interaction with customers over the phone as well as customers with inquiries in the store, the overall impression I get is that the staff seems irritated at having to answer any questions. They present an air which implies that everybody should know at least as much as they do about computers and repairs. Actually when I think about it they have gotten _somewhat_ more courteous over the years, but still have a long way to go before coming off as anything resembling ""friendly"".
Recommended for: DIY'ers, retired engineers, devoted hobbyists, anyone on a budget.
Not recommended for: Soccer moms, computer newbies, anyone still using an AOL email account.