Buyer beware. Talk to anyone who has bought a house from this builder, and no one is happy with the quality of the homes. Not only are many eyesores - Abigail has no design or architectural credentials whatsoever and it shows - but they are all substandard, especially for the price range she sells them for. One house she built had mold problems 3 years after it was built and only after a legal battle, the builder had to go in and redo the entire foundation. Another house she built has light switches that don't work and a hot tub that doesn't work. At another house, the paint on the roof's flashing peeled off in weeks, and she had it quickly repainted to sell the house. Months later, the roof is an eyesore, with the silver metal flashing exposed along the entire length where all the paint has peeled. I spoke to one builder who witnessed her putting up one home and he commented that they cut corners and didn't even seal the foundation. Her homes may look good enough when they sell, but unsuspecting homeowners have to deal with the unexpected cost of patching up the shoddy workmanship of her homes. If only they knew what was beneath the surface...