ABC Training center is the best bartending school in NYC: the most affordable, the newest and most modern, and the most reputable, with a staff that has more bartending experience than any other school's and a spotless record with the Department of Education. ABC has been in business since 1972.
The only people who need be ashamed of themselves are the criminals, thieves and charlatans who wrote the review below--you know, the liars who charge $895 for their 1960s-era barbacking training. The ones who won't tell you how much they charge over the phone. You can stand on your head and they won't give you the price. They make you come in person so that the school agent--a man who has already been suspended by the Education Department for lying to prospective customers--can make phony guarantees and insult all his competitors.
How pathetic.
When a school comes along that beats their pants off for a fraction of the price, that deals fairly and honestly and serves nothing but one satisfied customer after another, the other schools have to stoop to desperately writing fake ""reviews"" like ""Big Doggy""s--about a program he can't describe taught by an instructor he can't identify and a refund that was never requested--because none of it ever happened. TELL YOU WHAT, Big Doggy with the tiny b--s: here's a proposition for you--call ABC Training Center with the name of the student you are talking about and they will IMMEDIATELY REFUND HER DOUBLE THE $199 TUITION.
Got it?
Too bad they won't be hearing from you.
Because you can't identify her. Because she doesn't exist.
By the way, when your own school goes out of business, call them anyway. They'll give you some REAL bartending training. Since you'll be needing a job.