A&L ""Kennels"" discriminates againsts American Pitbull Terriers, and APBT mixes. Any experienced dog owner (or any educated person, really) would understand that it IS NOT THE BREED, but the way an animal is reared that makes them agressive. There are agressive dogs such as my friends Golden Retriever. Golden Retrievers are well respected and known to be a favorite among dog breeds. But this guy is a an exception. He is extremely agressive against anyone but his owners. This is uncommon in this breed, but common to any dog that has been abused, mistreated, or was once feral. That being said, any establisment that claims to be a kennel but has breed restrictions is one that is likely unqualified of taking quality care of any type of breed. If you truly care about your animals, take them to a real kennel that does not discrimiate. And yes, I do understand that this restriction may be due to insurance liabilities. If that is the case with A&L, maybe they should look into an insurance company that is not ignorant. Thanks for reading!