IF YOU EVER HAD BUSINESS WITH THEM, CHECK IF YOU ITEMS ARE NEW AND WHAT YOU PAID FOR!. Too bad cant give a negative score.BAD COMMUNICATION,THEY TRY TO CHEAT YOU,LIE STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE. If you ever got a hard drive from them better check if it was a new one!!! Heres my story.It took almost 2 weeks to fix change a problem which envoled just changing the hard drive. at first the problem was fixed in a day. There were suppose to replace my old hard drive with a new one. After two days my computer crashes again. I go to my friend who is a computer technition himself to see whats going on. Turns out that the cheap ass gave me a 2007(already 2 yrs old hard drive) and different company. When i returned to him, he admited to him buying a bunch of old,used ones for a cheaper price( you still get warranty but why would i wanna pay for something you not getting). The communication is terrible. Barely picks up his phone, most of the time i had to drive to the office to see if my computer was done(most of the time the door is locked and you cant even go up). I drove to the office 3-4 times a day just to hear that its not ready yet,since i couldnt do it over the phone.