This company,(True North),as it states on it's web site that it ""cares about it's people"",is a complete lie. I would rate this company as one of the worst employers in the central Ohio area,as well as the State,to work for. If you are reviewing this company as a possable employer to work for,keep looking.This company is notorious for poverty level wages,and extreme workloads for their front line personel.They operate their business with the policy of assembly line style ""burn-out"",within weeks of an applicants start date. As far as management positions in their stores,avoid this at all costs.The ""burn-out"" target time for this position with this company is a few months.If you enjoy NO time off,NO regonition for good work,a NEGATIVE work enviroment from the supervisors and district personel,and at least 4-6 different superiors (that both cashiers and so-called managers) have to answer to,then this is your kind of company.Hopefully this foresight and experience with this company will help someone not fall into any false hopes that they could actually be a asset to this company.As far as their current employees and managers,treat your positions as very time limited and look elsewhere soon.(But you know that allready if your reading this).