Review content:
I would never question her expertise or experience, and I am sure she is a good litigator. However, her professionalism as a business person is heavily questioned. Lawyers should "sell" themselves to potential clients, and her method of selling (during the initial consultation) is by: eating lunch, leaving the television on (baseball game was on, so go figure), having her clerks interrupt constantly, and taking "emergency" phone calls for many minutes at a time while keeping the potential client waiting. On the surface, this is considered rude and improper. Business wise, this is ignorant and (arguably) unethical. In all fairness, emergency phone calls should be handled urgently and efficiently, but a simple,"...sorry folks, but give me a few minutes to handle this situation..." would have been more than welcomed. After mentioning my more-than-fair concerns, she became offended and irate, and "kicked-us-to-the-curb". I mean, I could be wrong on this, but if someone charges two hundred somewhat dollars for an hour of consultation, shouldn't they offer their undivided attention? Or are lawyers held to a different standard? In my not-so-humble opinion, this was totally a lack of professionalism. Arrogance was (and probably IS) the defining characteristic of this attorney, and if someone was to ask me if I can recommend her services, I will say, "Nah, brah, us un-edumacated peeps is not good enuff for mek enuff monies for her...".