Review content:
There he goes (Chris Shuler) deleting the negative reviews, this is the 9th. time that he deleted my review, but I will post it right back. Chris Shuler did not like the comment that a prior customer that he also ripped off posted under my review.
The customer went in to have her car repair, and got a quote which she agreed on. The next day he call her to let her know that the original quote was going to be 3 times the original one. The customer then told him that she was unable to afford it. Chris then told her not to worry that he would finance the repair, so that she could have the repairs done. Well when the customer was called to pick her car up, she did so, only to find out that this crook did not do what he said he would do for her. He requested full payment before he release her car. The customer then had no choice but to go to her bank and get a loan, so that she could get her car back. According to the customer Chris Shuler also pulled the same dirty trick on her friend. If Chris Shuler would tried to pull that dirty trick on me, I would not go to my bank, instead I would go to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service, and the the Court system.
For all of you who had a bad experience with this crook, not only do you need to post your review on Citysearch which he will delete, after he threaten Citysearch to remove all of the negative reviews. You will also need to post them on Goolge, yellowpages. and craigslist among all other website, since the threat that work with Citysearch will not work with these other site. He will also block you from posting negative reviews on Cittysearch once you post the first one. You can still go around that and re-post them, which is what I do.
You also need to file a complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Their address is 407 South Cahoun Street, Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0800. Phone number is 1-800-435-7352. The website is (www.800helpfla). You will be able to file a complaint online.
If you want to see who this crook is, just got to this website. ( htt:// ). This is the website for the Tarrant County Court at 100 E. Weatherford Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76196. Phone number is 817-884-1111. You will see the ugly trail that he left in Fort Worth Texas. Now he comes to Orlando Florida and is doing the same thing.
We need to stop this crook from taking advantage of all hard working Floridians, and the only way that we can stop this crook is by reporting him to the proper authorities.
Those positive reviews that are posted, 99% are posted by Chris Shuler himself, his girlfriend Helen Lawson and his staff, so don't be fooled by them. How stupid can this guy be, in what world can a company get 100% reviews 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 day a year. Here is an example. On 1/23/2010 he posted 3 positive reviews, and on 1/25/2010 he posted 5 positive reviews. You do the math how can any company get 3 or more positives reviews in one day and not a single negative review. Look at what is happening to the world most reliable auto maker, Toyota. This guy is living in a fantasy world.
On February 3rd, 2010 the Orange County Tax Collector left him notice for him to obtain county business receipts for all 3 of his locations. He has 180 days (Until August 2, 2010) to comply, before the Orange County Tax Collector starts imposing fines to this crook. SO STAY AWAY FROM THIS CROOK, UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET TAKING FOR ALL YOU MONEY.
Pros: NONE