Review content:
My son attended this school and for the most part, the education was excellent. I do have an issue with the school teaching my preschooler about abortion. My son has not even received the public school sex-ed yet and he was already being taught that babies can be killed before they are born. He has no clue how babies even get in the mommy's tummy. I taught preschoolers at the church I attended and they never once had in their lesson plans to teach them about abortion. But, overall he was ahead in the other departments, this one, too, considering other children his age don't have a clue what abortion is.
On the issue of paying the bills. I completely understand hassling a parent when they haven't paid. We, as parents don't need to hear that another parent hasn't paid their bill though. That is none of our business. The teachers could be made aware, but as for the hassling, leave that up to the admin. For crying out loud people, they already have to pay the late fee, they don't need the teacher embarrassing them, as well. I was there when one teacher harassed a parent, and I thought it was quite crude of them to do so. Believe me, if it were me, I would be furious, too. I thought it was very unprofessional and unethical.
As for the person who responded to Joe S., you are on here to review the school, not blast someone for writing their review of the school. You have no clue what the situation was, and you aren't really entitled to judge him. Just shows that you are one of "those" Christians. It is people like you, that turn people away from our religion. He made a review about a school, don't harass him for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I think you were rude!
The school in general was great, my son had a great time, but we have moved away and have found a better school for him to attend. Yes, there is a better school.