Review content:
First, I hate referring to this place as "Ivy League School", so I will refer to this place as trash. I have been here before for two years, and I can honestly say that this trash deserves absolutely nothing. Throughout my time here, I have wasted my time while I was supposed to be learning. The one thing that really makes me ticked is that this is also an afterschool. After a day of tiring schoolwork, students like I have to come here to "learn". First, I wouldn't have a problem with doing some learning, but this place will not help you to learn. In addition to this trash being a waste of time, employees here are rude, cold, selfish, and actually incompetent to do their job.
As a student, being not fully matured yet, I could have used completely disgusting, vulgar, vocabulary, which I find is the correct way to describe this place, I did not, because this place doesn't deserve the creativity behind cussing, swearing or vulgar language.
Bottom line, avoid this place, the people in it, and anything about it.
PLEASE do not confuse this with an ACTUAL Ivy League School.