Review content:
This Whole Foods Market (647 Washington St, next to Marty's in Newtonville) is a lovely store. Yes, the prices are high, but you get what you pay for.
Never, in any store, and I'm including places in New York, Paris, and other paragons of supposed "attitude," have I witnessed so many fellow shoppers with a chip on their shoulder as I have at the Newtonville Whole Foods.
Wilson Farms, in Lexington, another spot with a supposedly "entitled" clientele, has been, in my experience, a paragon of highly-civilized, well mannered people.
Many of the Newtonville Whole Foods customers walk around as if they are driving their Lexus, BMW, or Volvo SUVs - that is, either in a haphazard, "get the hell out of my way or else" manner or, just as bad, will stop in the middle of the aisle and chit-chat with their "friends" (I'm surprised the arrogant Volvo drivers who drive at 50 in a 30 zone and then stop in the middle of Walnut or Beacon St - if you have spent more than five minutes in Newton, MA, you KNOW exactly what I am talking about!, would lower themselves to having "friends," but that's another tangent), haughtily indifferent to anybody who wishes to get by.
In early 2007, two months after buying a brand new Subaru Legacy ($24,000), I was in Whole Foods' parking lot early on a Saturday morning. A yuppie sprog getting ready to get into his mother's Land Rover placed his juice can on the trunk of my new car.
I said, very politely, "excuse me, would you please take that can off of my car?" The child apologized but the mother got all hissy. "You must have an easy life if you get bent out of shape over a can of juice on your car, blah blah blah" and finished her rant with accusing me of being "anti-Semitic."
Newton is roughly 50-60% Jewish. This was a Saturday morning, so I quickly retorted "if you were so religious, you'd be at shul right now!" She was speechless and quickly got into her Suburban Assault Vehicle and sped away.