Review content:
Firstly, the staff: The staff at this branch are five-star, including the manager. They have personality, are courteous, and, as Kristi stated, are incredibly efficient. The manager in specific definitely earns his keep. There was one morning where a delivery truck was blocking the only way out of the driveway, and there was getting to be a big back up, and he came out, got things sorted out, moved his car to make a makeshift exit, and directed traffic for the next 45 minutes or whenever the truck moved. He never lost his cool, went window to window, explaining the situation and apologizing.
As far as the food goes, McDonald's is McDonald's, but it's always going to be McDonald's, every single time. You can take that to the bank, and they've spent considerable effort ensuring this fact. And there are days where I just gotta have my plastic burger with plastic cheese on plastic buns, and nothing else will do, not Red Robin, Typhoon!, Daniel's Broiler, or anything else. Gotta have my McDonald's. McDonald's Dollar Menu rocks.