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I will admit it--I am a manicure/pedicure fanatic. The salon I went to regularly for a couple of years closed recently, so I have been searching for a "new" place.
The folks at Elite nails in the mall do a good job. But, I just can't get past the feeling of being on display in a zoo, sitting a glassed-in area with my feet in the pedi bowl while mall shoppers look in on me!
So, I was intrigued to hear about Angel Nails from a co-worker. Angel Nails is located in the newly booming shopping area on the east side of Appleton. Drive into the Wal-Mart lot (past Culver's, bear right, and you will see Angel Nails in the strip mall to the right. I think that would be west, but directions are NOT my strong suit!)
My 11-year old daughter did not start school until the Wednesday after Labor Day, so for a "special treat" we both went to Angel Nails last Tuesday for a mani/pedi.
The decor is very nice and welcoming. There is a definite theme about living for the sun, which I wholeheartedly agree with. The two manicurists on duty, Amy and Tom, were both busy with other customers when we walked in. To my surprise, one of the customers was someone else that I work with, who found out about the salon from yet another person I work with! So word is definitely getting out.
We had a brief wait, but there were comfy chairs and a stack of magazines to keep us occupied while we waited. There were a couple of TVs that were tuned to a decent station (Ellen's guest was Beyonce!). (Another negative about Elite Nails is CNN on the TV.)
Amy did my nails--a full set--reasonably fast but not TOO quickly. Tom did my daughter's first pedicure at the same time. Then it was into the pedi chair for me. All I can say is--wow! They have THE most awesome pedi chairs I have ever see. I sat next to my daughter and we just grinned at each other. The chair was plush with a great massage feature. We also had access to the remote, so we could have changed the channel, but we were happy with Ellen and Beyonce.
Tom did a good job with the pedi, especially with the leg massage. Sarah had a French pedi, and I had little flowers painted on my pink toes. Then, Amy finished Sarah's mani (her real nails).
The total cost (my full set and pedi with design, Sarah's manicure and French pedi) was $100, which is definitely comparable to other nail salons. Not something we would do every day, but it was a great, relaxing way to spend the last day of summer vacation.