Review content:
My boyfriend and I purchased a 2-piece sectional sofa and an ottoman from someone in Landsdale, PA and we needed to transport the furniture to our 3rd floor walk-up apartment in Philadelphia, PA. We wanted to ensure a worry-free move and that our new sofa would not be damaged during transport, so we decided to hire professional movers. I contacted ABC Moving Service ( and spoke with Mick Jadallah (484-239-3464), the owner, who assured me that moving the microfiber sectional sofa and ottoman to our 3rd floor walk-up apartment would be no problem. I explicitly told him that it was important that the sofa be covered in protective material because we were concerned about the microfiber fabric being damaged during the move. Mick assured me that the furniture would be securely covered in moving plastic during transport. He told me that the total cost for transport would be $250 (tip included). On the day of the move (Thursday, 8/3/2006), there were some timing issues, but one of the movers called to let us know that they were running behind schedule. When the truck finally showed up 2 hours late, the sofa arrived completely uncovered and the two men who were moving it said they were unaware that the sofa had to be moved to a 3rd floor walk-up apartment. The movers were very rough with the furniture, knocking it into walls and jamming it through the doorway to our apartment. They also sweated profusely all over the fabric. When they were finished, huge sweat stains were left all over the sofa, paint from our doorway was stuck to the fabric, and bits of the top layer of microfiber from the sofa was smeared in our doorway. After paying the movers the full $250 fee, I immediately called Mick and voiced my dissatisfaction with the move and he seemed understanding. I asked him why the sofa had not been covered and he told me that it was too hot that day to cover it in plastic because the plastic would have melted on the sofa. I then asked him why I was not notified of this, as I had explicitly asked that the sofa be wrapped, and I asked why the sofa wasn't wrapped in some other type of protective material other than plastic. I also asked him why he was not one of the movers to move the sofa, as he had told me he would be, and inquired why the movers were unaware they'd have to move the sofa to a 3rd floor walk-up apartment. He was apologetic, but dodged all of these questions and told me that he completely understood why I was unhappy and that we would work out some sort of compensation. He mentioned providing me with a $50 reimbursement check to cover cleaning the sofa, however, he told me that before issuing the reimbursement he'd need to come and take a look at the damage to the sofa. He told me that he would stop by the next time he was in Philadelphia. I asked him when that would be and he said that he frequently has jobs in Philadelphia and that he had a couple of jobs coming up soon, so he would stop by then. He told me that as soon as his guys returned he would give me a call back the same day (Thursday, 8/3/2006) to further discuss the damage to the sofa. He never called me back. On Monday (8/7/2006), I called him to follow-up. He told me that he'd need to see the damage, but that he was going on vacation soon and wouldn't be able to come to see it until after he'd returned. I told him that I'd like to schedule a time for him to come by to assess the damage once he'd returned from vacation. He refused, became very annoyed, and told me that he would not be coming to assess the damage unless he had another job to take care of in Philadelphia. I told him that I was very dissatisfied with this service and he hung up on me in mid-sentence. Shortly thereafter, my boyfriend called back to speak with him. Mick immediately became hostile. My boyfriend told him that we would be forced to report him to the Better Business Bureau and Mick said to report him to whomever we want. He proceeded to call my boyfriend profane names and hung up on him. Beware of ABC Moving Service!!!