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I went back to college last year and i chose Lee College. I went back for a few reasons, finish my education, get a better job, and most importantly to walk the walk and talk the talk.
I have a pre teen who i have always stressed the importance of getting his college degree, one day he pointed out to me that I had never completed mine. I saw shame in his eyes for about 2 seconds, that kicked me in the gut. It did not matter that I was the "Adult" Parent that put her college degree on hold to raise said child, I suddenly felt ashamed of myself for letting him down. That shame was nothing though, In the next few moments my bright young man put 2+2 together and figured out WHY i didn't get my degree, then he hugged me and said he was sorry that i didn't finish because i had him. Needless to say, i get the kids in the car that afternoon and went to my local college. Lee College, My kids were their normal hyper selves as i sat with a counselor to figure what i needed to do to get back to school. I must say, they were fantastic. Mary ( My Counselor) sat down with me and my kids and helped me fill out forms, told me what steps to take to get my transcripts, help with the pell grant and even Talked with me about my Likes and dislikes ( Math was most def a dislike)
That was a year ago, I am a full time student and a full time Mom. My Grades slipped this last semester ( one of the kids got ill, and unfortunately one of my instructors couldn't care less) I am now have a cumulative GPA of 3.79 and it chaps my rear.
I would say that over half of the students at Lee are over 30's, going back to school some for the first time, others to finish what they started years ago.
Lee College is a small campus, but we have a cyber café, a game room, a movie theater Two restaurants and a killer girls volleyball Team. Most of the instructors will work with you ( as long as your are doing your work ) and are very knowledgeable in their fields.
No matter in your are getting your associates degree here and then finding work in your chosen field, or if your using Lee as a jumping off point to get your BA or Masters somewhere else, You will find what your need at Lee.