Review content:
If you haven't read any of my other posts, let me give you a brief synopsis of my purpose at Lowe's today. We just bought a house, more specifically, a foreclosure, and it needs LOTS of paint, cleaning supplies, wood, a hot water heater, etc...
The list goes on as my wallet empties.
After my disappointing adventure into the Home Depot off Heisley Rd. (see here: ), we decided that it may be time to visit their competitor, no matter my disdain for Lowe's. I must say, I guess buttheads work everywhere, because aside from the cashier, I have never met people so absolutely disgusted to be where they are except maybe in McDonald's.
Our list was fairly simple: a hot water heater, a commode, some paint, peruse the countertops, and generally spend way more money than intended. Everything up to getting the commode was fairly uneventful. No greeting from passing staff, not even an "Are you looking for something?" as we walked the aisles comparing tile. This, within itself, was not bad. Generally, when approached, I don't need assistance, and it can get annoying.
When shopping for the commode, we found a model we liked. However, the box immediately on the floor appeared to have been opened. Since this was a complete "Toilet to Go", and came with all the fixin's critical to installing a toilet, it was decided to ask the staff to get the box down from the top shelf. I turn around, see a man with an extremely red face, no name badge, but a Lowe's shirt, waiting behind the "Bath" counter. I walk over.
I politely ask the man if he would mind getting down the box from the top shelf, and briefly explain the bottom box was open. He gave me a look of complete irritation, and blurted out, "Yea, but it could take me ten minutes" in that kind of tone that says he hopes that timeframe would inconvenience me.
I tell him I have time to burn. I can wait.
This is obviously not the answer Mr. Happy wanted to hear. He sighs loudly, then yells over to a short, hunched man and asks him quite angrily if he would "spot" him while he goes to get this toilet down from the shelf. He then turns around to me and yells something about the truck being there and they are unloading that, so if they are busy he can't do anything for me.
I am assuming he meant that he would not be able to get a forklift. My mother-in-law at this point is asking me to get his name. I tell her he isn't wearing a tag. My husband brings back a flat roller, and we proceed to wait. After a few minutes, my husband and father-in-law leave to go get the hot water heater. My mother-in-law and I are left alone to wait for Mr. Happy.
During this time, a young man brings over a pallet jack and drops a pallet in front of the shelves where the commodes are. I point this out to my mother-in-law and we laugh because we KNOW Mr. Happy will be thrilled that he has to move that first.
After a few minutes, Mr. Happy returns, his cohort sets up the "Aisle Closed" signs; they retrieve the offending boxed commode, and Mr. Happy angrily takes the flat roller from us (without a word of thanks, or even saying why he took it). He returns a few moments later, the commode loaded onto the flat roller, tells us "Here", and waltzes off, quite angry he actually had to work.
My mother-in-law again asked me to get his name. I pointed out I didn't see it, and frankly, I really don't want to ask him.
We then proceeded to the rest of our trip. The gentleman at the paint counter was very nice. I wish I had caught his name; he took time to explain the mixes and assured me I could get additional gallons later and that since they were computer-measured the colors would be exactly the same. He also gave me stir sticks and a paint can opener.
The cashier was great; she checked us out quickly, even though we separated the order into three receipts. She even had to get a price check on the commode (the price rang incorrectly to the register), and was cracking jokes. Again, I wish I had her name.
Will I go back to this store? Yes, simply because I have little choice. Home Depot is just as bad. Lowe's is a hair closer, too.
If you happen to live in the area and see a red-faced man (he has some sort of medical condition, his face is scarred) in the Bathroom section, avoid him. He obviously hates his job or hates people. Maybe both. But the paint guy and the cashiers are awesome. So maybe they offset the bad.