Review content:
I was under the care of Partners In Health (Women's Center), now located on Elm Street in Lawrenceburg, IN while pregnant with my third child, who was born in the summer of 2003.
There were 3 doctors in the group at that time: Dr. Glenn Dobbs, Dr. Carol Lovins, and Dr. Stephan Kraeling. Since my departure from this OB group, Dr. Kraeling is now in with Edward Reece at Reece Healthcare in Lawrenceburg.
The reason I'm rating this doctor with three stars is because I was dissatisfied with him quite a few times. I don't think that he has that great of a bedside manner in that he didn't take me seriously on more than one occasion, when I tried bringing up the subject of my [suspected] incisional hernia, he tried shrugging it under the carpet and said, "That's just you," like I'm full of hot air, and wouldn't even evaluate me, never mind that I didn't use the word "hernia" to him.
He didn't return a phone call (late at night) on one occasion; I think it was after the birth of my baby.
I had a woman give him a not-so-good rating/mark whom I met in the grocery store about 2 weeks before my son was born. I was scheduled to have a c section and couldn't switch doctors that late in the game...
He also diagnosed me as having a certain condition, which another doctor couldn't find; and he did not explain this in detail to me. I've since taken up this issue with my present OB, and he saw something else, which I feel is more correct than the 1st opinion.
He is a nice doctor, but I became too dissatisfied with him; his colleague, Dr. Lovins, is a good doctor. However, I switched entirely to another OB group because I started to become more proactive about my medical care and cannot financially, emotionally, or physically afford to keep being misdiagnosed, and I need to deal with people who will help me with my issues instead of just try to ignore them.
The other reason I switched OB groups is because I used a general surgeon (Dr. Alexander Saba) in Cincinnati for my hernia repair earlier this year, and I needed to find a doctor who had privileges at a certain hospital in the event that both docs needed to work together in the operating room...