Review content:
I've shopped cameras on the West Coast for 40 years.
My favorite was Keeble & Shuchat, Palo Alto; they took care of me well for decades.
Recently I moved to LA, and, having developed my (amateur) photography to a new, very high level, I have taken to shopping at Samy's.
Samy's has a tremendous selection -- best on the West Coast -- I know, I've been everywhere.
NOTHING COMPARES to Samy's selection, especially in their store at 431 Fairfax Ave., with four amazing stories of cameras and photo gear -- near Farmer's Market.
Three years ago, I was put off by what I felt was 'arrogant service', but compared to Best Buy, Costco, Fry's etc., whose stores have NO service, any service now seems 'quaint and old fashioned'.
I began watching Samy's sales people painstakingly explain minute camera and photography details for inexpensive cameras to totally clueless customers, and admired their perseverance.
Samy's has some mediocre and some outstanding employees, but almost all respond well to customers who don't have a chip on their shoulder.
Sometimes your experience is shaped by who you are; it can happen at Samy's which is full of humans.
I was 'down and out' and had sold every camera and lens I owned except a body and a lousy lens, which promptly broke.
Glum, I went into a branch store, where Richard, camera tech, then worked, and asked if I could get it fixed cheaply.
Richard, unbidden, did a quick and dirty fix for free; several other times during that period he did similar 'favors'.
I was living in my car; he knew it I think.
I've recovered, have money, even have some minor worldwide photographic fame.
I am a very experienced (and cheap) shopper, but I get the best prices out of Samy's, so I don't even want to shop at Amazon, B&H, etc.
Samy's competes with the 'Big Boys', and even unbidden doesn't charge 'full list' to the unwary.
I now buy all at Samy's, and I can buy anywhere.
I want my purchases NOW, and tested by me.
I'm a satisfied shopper.