Review content:
Being an artist is an expensive hobby. I need to buy various pencils, erasers, different types of paper, different colours and types of paint, palettes, ink, tortillions... And other hobbyists will find that they have to dish out a fair number of dollars in order to pursue their projects as well. That's why Hobby Lobby is so convenient.
Hobby Lobby sells a lot, first of all. Art supplies, knitting yarn and tools, model kits, school supplies, etc.--you name it, they probably have it, if it pertains to a hobby of some kind. Prices are very good, too--comparing Hobby Lobby prices to art store prices, Hobby Lobby tends to sell the same product for much less, saving me a bundle of money.
But since it sells so much stuff, sometimes it's hard to locate what exactly you need. An art store is more convenient in this way; at Hobby Lobby, I have to walk through the figurines, clocks, mirrors, school supplies, the floral department, and the fabric department just to pick out a new set of pencils that I can sketch with. The store might also prove to be relatively disorganized and not very catering to intuition.
The store is of religious affiliation, and it does show; but it's not so unbearable oppressing to make non-Christian customers uncomfortable.