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I had a horrible experience with Dr. Jeffrey Williamson DDS (Centerpointe Dental) a couple weeks ago. I came in for cleaning, check up, and repair of my two crowns that had fallen out. He gave me a long lecture about having to floss deep inside my mouth (I do), but ended up not even giving me the cleaning I was scheduled for. Did he just try to make me feel guilty, and feel that I needed to see him more often, when in fact there was nothing there to clean? The crown that he fixed ended up sticking out like I had a buck tooth, and felt very strange in my mouth. I could feel it even under the anesthesia's effect. But when I pointed it out to him, he went all confrontational and blamed it first on my lower tooth, and next on my previous dentist. All I know is that I did not have a buck tooth when I came in his office. Now I have one, since he refused to fix his shoddy work. I also had a cavity on the side of the tooth next to that crown that was only visible when the crown was removed. He didn't discover that. I did, when looking in the mirror he handed me. And when I asked him to stop putting the crown back on and to fix that cavity first, he was like "oh yeah, I forgot," then proceeded to drill that tooth without giving me any anesthesia first. Only after I jumped and screamed that it hurt did he give me one, saying "I didn't think it would hurt." Hello? The filling he put on that cavity was of a color couple shades darker than my tooth. And he didn't polish it at all so that now it looks like I have a yellowish corn stuck between my front teeth. When I pointed it out to him after he said "done!"--he was like "oh, that’s the whitest color I've got right now; I need to order the #1 (whatever that is). Come back next time, I'll change it." "what about the filling not being smooth and flush with the surface of the tooth?" he answered: "oh, I forgot to polish it before I put the crown back-hehe-don't worry, it's not permanent. I'll fix it next time” Hello? If that was your plan, why didn't you inform me before I pointed it out to you? Why you dismissed me, acting like everything was fixed and good? And why wait till next time to remove this ugly "corn" on my FRONT teeth? The purpose of going to the dentist is to have a better, brighter smile. But thanks to you, now I dare not smile at all. Thanks, Dr. Jeffrey Williamson. Now if I need to scare anyone away, all I have to do is show them my buck tooth and the yellowish corn next to it.
Pros: NONE