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Hid facts about my premature daughter.
Dr. Brockman does greet you with a smile, he is gentle & popular.
But theres also a side of Dr. Brockman that i will never forgive him for, & because of my situation with him, i would NEVER recommend him.
Dr. Brockman had the due date of my daughter wrong, so insisting i was past due, he induced labor on me.
It was HORRIBLE. I recieved no compassion, nothing for pain.
I KNEW it wasn't my time, but he still went through with inducing.
After the birth of my daughter, he never said one word as to her being a preemie of 6 weeks, as a matter of fact, he went out of his way to hide his error , almost at the expense of my daughters life.
My daughter was put in the nursery with full term babies when the nurse saw my daughter was blue, not breathing. I went looking for my daughter after awhile of not seeing her. NO ONE told me she had quit breathing, no one told me she was 6 weeks preemie, and on her way to NNICU. There i found her hooked up to all kinds of machines, they told me she wouldn't live.
Well, after all kinds of meds and care, she finally came home on a heart monitor and oxygen sensor for 9 months.
Dr. NEVER said a word, no sorry, nothing!
He tryed to sue us in court for non payment of his services! We counter-sued...he never showed up! NEVER a word again.
About 4 weeks later, while in a grocery store with my daughter, a nurse walked up to us and by looking at my daughters feet, she stated she could tell she was a preemie and stated any dr. that delivered babies as much as him also knew right away.