Review content:
Portrait Innovations is located in the Target shopping plaza at Park & the Tollway in Plano.
As a proud mama of 2 children, I'm always interested in finding a good, reasonably priced photography studio. With my daughter, we spent a lot of time at Kiddie Kandids. So much so that I got really burnt out on their pictures. They're good, and I love the pictures we got, but I was just ready for something different. I tried a private photographer, I tried JC Penneys, I looked at Picture People.... I just didn't find anything I loved.
Then my friend told me about Portrait Innovations. We took my daughter, her daughter, and another little girl to have pictures made there - and I fell in love.
Portrait Innovations has only 2 shooting studios at this location, and they're large and open. They have a number of backdrops and props, so they can give you a wide variety of shots. They use digital photography and the key difference to them is that they take a LOT of pictures - most of the other places I've seen take maybe 20 shots and dump most of them, keeping only 4 - 6 for you to choose from. Portrait Innovations took over 100 shots of the three little girls and we got to look at ALL of them to make our decisions.
Another thing I liked was that the photographers really seem professional and to like their jobs. That makes a huge difference. They take their time and really work with the subjects, which results in much more relaxed sessions and much better pictures. Which, naturally, results in more money for them, since you're inclined to buy more shots.
And how about that buying...... You'd think they'd be really pricey. Nope. Per sheet, I found them to be more reasonable and better quality than any other service around. They run specials as well, and are happy to tell you about them - again, figuring that if you're happy with them, they're going to get more of your business. Plus, if you buy a certain amount, you get a CD of all the pictures - that's EVERY SINGLE PICTURE TAKEN, regardless of whether you bought that picture or not - for free. Yes, free. So you can immediately go home and load them all onto Shutterfly and show everyone you know what great shots you just got.
I really can't say enough good things about Portrait Innovations. We'll definitely be returning. You should go too.