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I went to old HCS back in the 80s, for pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. It is Christian based (obviously), so you learn your Bible, as well as the traditional subjects. This is more a reminiscing post, so either indulge me or click back on your browser.
I remember one time, no one would be quiet except this one kid, so we all had to sit and watch him play by himself on the playground during recess. I think this was probably Pre-K. I think now, how embarrassing it must have been for that poor kid. I mean, it's not exactly fun to play by yourself, especially with 10-20 of your peers watching and hating what a goody2shoes you are.
I remember in 1st grade, my teacher was a firm believer in Jesus. So firm, in fact, she told the whole class there was no Santa Claus. Dang did that tick my mom off. I was 5 years old.
I had to memorize all the books of the Bible (Old and New Testaments) when I was 4. My mom has it on cassette. I listen to it now, sometimes. It's pretty creepy to hear my baby voice recite all those big names and places in my sing song voice. Even scarier to think I can *almost* still recite the whole freaking thing. Probably when I'm 90 years old and can't remember my name or how to use the bathroom, I'll still be able to recite those books of the Bible.
One time, it had rained and it was muddy at the bottom of the slide. Teacher told us to not go down the slide. I pretended I was above the law and convinced my compadre M to go down the slide with me. I think it was the mud on the butt of my pants, or perhaps the devilish gleam in my eye, or maybe some kid tattletaled. At any rate, M and I got paddled, with a real wooden paddle. Six year olds. I only got paddled once, and M twice, because normally I was more of a good little girl than she was. My first taste of democracy.
Ah, memories.