Review content:
Great China Inn. Our favorite Chinese restaurant, with some of the most delicious Chinese dishes and the best hot & sour soup we've tasted since moving to the Grand Rapids, Michigan, area more than a decade ago -- and we have tried quite a few. We always thought they'd be there, in the little strip mall on Cottonwood Drive near the Jenison Meijer store. Convenient. Friendly people. Good food. Reasonable prices. Nice decor. Family-run business. We would stop in regularly -- at least monthly, sometimes weekly. We looked forward to their wonderful tastes and smells whenever we had a hankering for Chinese food.
Then the strip mall was sold. The new owner spent tons of money to revamp the look of the strip mall's exterior and bring it up to date. And, naturally, with that investment to pay for, the owner raised the rent, and raised it, and raised it -- to the breaking point. So... the Great China Inn owners looked for a new location and finally closed in Jenison. Sadly for us, they picked a location in Standale, another 10 miles farther from our home -- and not on our regular route back and forth to Grand Rapids. The building they are now in is brand new. It took between six and nine months to reopen there. Meanwhile, their devoted customers waited with great anticipation.
People are stopping in when they suddenly notice that the restaurant is there -- and are surprised to learn that it has been open for more than six months. Business is still pretty slow -- the sign is brick red with unique lettering announcing "Great China Inn" that is hard to spot at a glance when driving by on Lake Michigan Drive. We devoted customers from the past tell our friends and acquaintances about it all the time. I wish more people would know about it and try it -- which is why I signed up on Judy's Book to write about it.
For us, we stop by when we decide ahead of time while traveling from Grand Rapids back to Jenison and Hudsonville to get off the I-196 freeway instead at the Lake Michigan Drive exit and head home via an alternate route through Standale. In other words, because we don't pass by it every day like we used to, now it has to be an intentional pre-planned destination. It is pretty much the only reason we switch our route through Standale. The food is THAT GOOD. The prices are reasonable, too. Entrees start at about $7.75 and go up from there. For soup and eggroll, you add less than $3. Tea and water are free. With the bill they always bring complimentary almond cookies and fortune cookies. And there are always wonderful leftovers to enjoy at home.
The owners say it took three years at their Jenison location to establish their restaurant and build up their customer base to where they actually could make out okay. With their huge recent investment in the new location and losses from leaving behind some of their equipment at the old one (a demand of the landlord), three years could be too long this time. So let's help them out. I say, let's invite everyone to try their food at least once. I know that people will enjoy it and come back. And then I hope they will tell others they know to join them there for a meal or two and discover it for themselves. It really is THAT good. You have to want to go there on purpose. We sure do!
Okay -- so now, the next time your mouth is salivating for "great" Chinese food, I urge you to try this place -- Great China Inn (616-791-1836). Remember the name. Great China Inn. Now offering your favorite dishes, with sit-down dining and take-out service, at 4160 Lake Michigan Drive NW in Standale (Walker Township) -- just a little bit east of Wilson Avenue, on the south side of the street. An easy drive from Allendale, Grand Rapids, Jenison, Hudsonville and Grandville. Brick red sign, unique lettering -- Great China Inn. Keep your eyes open and you'll spot it.
Tell the owners that their longtime customer John Elmore sent you. (Maybe they'll give us some complimentary crab rangoon next time we're in there!)